Actionable insight for B2B SaaS Founders

Measure Your Success Through Customer Satisfaction

Written by Kathryn Haring | May 14, 2020 10:12:00 PM

Customer Satisfaction Scores 

Customer satisfaction feedback improves customer relations and identifies areas in need of process improvement. If acted upon, this information will help you better retain and expand customers and help you improve your business operations to become more efficient and effective. 

Gain an Extra Chance to Talk with Your Customers:  

Asking for customer feedback gives you another opportunity to communicate with your customers. Regular feedback solidifies your relationship and good, effective communication deepens the level of trust between you and your customer.  

Find Out What Makes Your Customer Happy/Unhappy:  

Receiving feedback validates your processes and highlights areas in need of improvement. You are deeply invested in your product and processes, which leads to a certain blindness to how effective the product and processes are to those not so invested, specifically your customers. Proactively seeking customer feedback uncovers blind spots that are hard to identify otherwise. 


Step-By-Step Outline for Identifying and Qualifying Customer Feedback Scores  

By the end of this play, you should be able to establish a process to collect, respond to, and learn from customer satisfaction scores. 

Collect Customer Satisfaction Feedback 

Use the template provided to create a process for collecting customer satisfaction feedback. Consider the following questions below before you start collecting feedback from your customers.  

Consider the Following: 

  1. Upon which events do you want to collect scores? We recommend collecting customer satisfaction scores immediately upon completion of customer training and any support tickets when the experience is still fresh in their minds.
  2. Who are the targets for customer satisfaction feedback?
  3. Is a score sufficient information or do you want to ask a follow-on question?
  4. How will you score and feedback be collected? 

Process Customer Satisfaction Feedback 

Use the template provided to create a process for using customer satisfaction feedback. Below are some considerations that you may want to consider before starting your outline.  


  1. What is considered a good or bad review?
  2. What is the expectation / objective for scores?
  3. How should we respond to the customer who gave us a good review?
  4. What process should we put in place to respond to a bad review?

It is crucial to respond immediately and proactively to customers who respond negatively. This is an opportunity to build trust and correct an issue. Always reach out to this customer, apologize and attempt to resolve the issue. You can also request the customer to remove their bad rating after the issue has been resolved. 

How do we track scores?

We recommend including Customer Satisfaction scores on your KPI dashboard, along with a target score. This will keep a check on the score collection process and keep the score on the front of people’s minds. 

How do we use scores?

You’re collecting very useful information that you don’t want to get lost in the shuffle. What process can you put in place to ensure feedback and insights are discussed and used to drive improvement? 

For More Information About Our Plays:   

For detailed information about our playbook and insights from our team contact us at Our goal is to help your business come out on top - let us help get you there.