Micro Blog: Playing the Numbers Series Week 3
Today, Adam Wells with GSTVC shares with us how he and the GST team take a focused yet wide-net approach to foster predictable success.
Playing the Numbers: Hooray, you've got your metric...but why stop there?
We've gone on and on, perhaps ad nauseam (but it's important 👍), about the benefit of gathering the data your company produces in order to make "data-driven decisions."
So you've got the data 🎉...a crisp-looking dashboard, whether for your product's admin-portal or via any one of your several critical management systems. Now what do you do with it?
Is it noise? Do you get tired of looking at it? Are the numbers you thought would be important not giving you the insights and the pulse on your business that you thought they'd deliver?
Getting setup is half the battle (GI Joe...anyone?)! But say you have a Churn metric or are now finally tracking all efforts associated with your Implementation Services...so, what now? Well this is the fun part!
Round the Generals! Gather your C-suite and team leaders, you're in for a strategic, thought-provoking and action-invoking series of meetings. This is where you get to see what levers you can now pull to impact these metrics.
And by impact, of course I mean IMPROVE. There are not only several dependable benchmarks to narrow in on but also many experienced people that have lived your exact business scenario. Take advantage of their input! Here is a fantastic book that can get you thinking more deeply about how to pull back...ironic, huh. High Output Management by Andrew Grove (former Intel CEO)
Data is great, but it's what you do with the data that will set your business apart.
In the coming weeks we'll Play the Numbers, look at how you can pull the right levers to stay in your lane; the lane that brings the greatest overall degree of successful outcomes for your company.
As always, we love hearing from you as to what you're experiencing as you drive growth for your company; please reach out below.